Small opinions gathered make a person exist

Friday, February 10, 2012

Incarceron -Catherine Fisher - Nov 2011-Jan 2012

Also a movie in 2013 with Twilights wolf-Taylor Lautner- but seriously the book made me unhappy.
Finn lives in Incarceron a prison made out of valleys, cities, forests and endless paths with no end to an exit. Incarceron has a mighty eye and is a living organism: always watching and even recycling its material to sustain population and growth of the place.
Outside the prison the Warden's daughter Claudia, always secluded and destined to marry the prince of the land after a betrothal agreed by her father and the mighty Queen. She is stubborn to find where the prison is since only the Warden knows its workings and whereabouts.
So the chase begins when a key is found with a replica inside the prison and the two heroes begin their unraveling of their past and secrets that had been witheld.

The world of Incarceron is extraordinary where the prison recycles everything, the history that it was a utopia at first where the human race would survive (at first it wasnt meant to be a prison but a safe haven!!But the story telling of the within-the-prison adventures was a bit extent without any reason. Finn's 'brother' at arms seems to have more to offer as a character and now that i think of it, more of the 'extra' that tired me were linked to enhance their relationship-which didnt work out in the end as I thought nothing of the brother.